Model Rules
In the next model birds will be introduced into the ecosystem. If a bird catches a bug it gains energy. As it moves it loses energy. A bird can die if it loses all of its energy. A bird can have offspring if it collects enough energy.

Make a Prediction
In the ecosystem you looked at in the previous activity, there were no predators.
Now, you will run an investigation about how introducing birds to the ecosystem affects carrying capacity and fluctuation size for the bug population. The model allows you to setup two ecosystems.
- On the left, setup an ecosystem that has no birds. On the right create an ecosystem that has birds.
- Determine values of other variables that you will keep constant. Ensure that all variable values are the same on the right and left side, except for the number of birds.
- Setup and re-run the model a few times until you feel like you have generated enough evidence to reliably claim that the carrying capacity for the bugs and size of fluctuation for the bugs are the same, slightly different or noticeably different in the two ecosystems.